
Gulfton Super Neighborhood Council: Alta Arts Exhibition DAVID HACKER: INARTICULATE PARADISE

  "Creating a safe, thriving neighborhood in the heart of Southwest through its rich cultural diversity"       Please share with your neighbors, family, tenants, parishioners, and community partners.   If you have any [...]

2021-12-02T15:56:08-06:00December 2nd, 2021|

Free COVID-19 vaccinations available at more than two dozen Houston Health Department-affiliated sites week of Nov. 29, 2021

The Houston Health Department is announcing the schedule for sites offering free doses of COVID-19 vaccine during the week of November 29, 2021. More than two dozen health department-affiliated free vaccination sites are on the schedule [...]

2021-11-29T12:19:48-06:00November 29th, 2021|

#ShopSmall on 11/27 for Small Business Saturday

#ShopSmall on November 27, 2021 for Small Business Saturday Celebrated each year on the Saturday after Thanksgiving, Small Business Saturday allows consumers to make an impact in their neighborhoods by supporting local small businesses from nearly every [...]

2021-11-24T17:29:05-06:00November 24th, 2021|

Free COVID-19 vaccinations available at many Houston Health Department-affiliated sites week of Nov. 22, 2021

The Houston Health Department is announcing the schedule for sites offering free doses of COVID-19 vaccine during the week of November 22, 2021. Many health department-affiliated free vaccination sites are on the schedule for the week. [...]

2021-11-22T16:29:53-06:00November 22nd, 2021|

美國土安全部:邊境緝獲芬太尼量達前所未有\ 「無畏追求真理」教育人士德州創新奧斯汀大學(2021年11月21日)

  休斯頓新聞簡訊 訂閱【NTD Houston】Youtube頻道 預防偷盜 警民合作免費標識車催轉器 訂閱【NTD Houston】Youtube頻道 感恩節旅行高峰 休斯頓機場客流躍升190萬 訂閱【NTD Houston】Youtube頻道 市府大道彩燈展帶動節日氣氛 訂閱【NTD Houston】Youtube頻道 華裔夫婦遇害案即將開審 社區集會籲正義 訂閱【NTD Houston】Youtube頻道 發展交通 「五角」管理區獲環保署資金 訂閱【NTD Houston】Youtube頻道 休斯頓一週天氣預報 訂閱【NTD Houston】Youtube頻道 美國土安全部:邊境緝獲芬太尼量達前所未有 據緝毒局(DEA)一名官員稱,隨著美國吸毒過量死亡人數飆升至新高,當局正在美國南部邊境緝獲「前所未有水平」的甲基苯丙胺和芬太尼。正體 | 简体 「無畏追求真理」教育人士德州創新奧斯汀大學 一群因表達自己的想法而遭到敵視的知識分子正在德州奧斯汀建立自己的高等教育機構,他們說他們不能再等待傳統大學解決校園內普遍存在的不寬容問題。正體 | 简体 醫生反對疫苗強制令 休斯頓衛理公會暫停其特權 德州休斯頓衛理公會醫院(Houston Methodist)宣布,它暫停了一名對中共病毒(COVID-19)疫苗強制令表示擔憂的醫生的特權,這名醫生暗示伊維菌素(ivermectin)可能能夠治療中共病毒。正體 | 简体 Astroworld死亡人數升至10人 [...]

2021-11-21T20:48:21-06:00November 21st, 2021|
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