Our 2nd Annual Asian Restaurants Weeks is here! 
Last year, we launched Asian Restaurants Weeks (ARW) to support small and family-owned Asian restaurants in our Houston community and generate much-needed revenue during the pandemic. And now, we’re excited to explore our community’s diverse cuisines again. 
Your donation will support our OCA – Greater Houston community programs and events, help locally-owned Asian restaurants/distributors, and feed vulnerable families, seniors, and frontline workers. 
An ARW Passport is an exclusive door to discovering Houston’s award-winning, diverse Asian cuisine, Asian-owned restaurants, and specialty stores. 
From the delicious baos and teas at Cao Bao to the fresh sushi at Aka Sushi, there are over a dozen Asian restaurants and specialty stores in Houston offering exclusive ARW discounts and deals.
Participating in Asian Restaurants Weeks is the best way to support your local AAPI community — but ARW passports are only available until June 14th!
Thank you for supporting OCA-Greater Houston and our AAPI Houston community! 
– OCA – Greater Houston