Last Chance: Art Auction

Today is the final day to secure your original artwork by our CHAT students in our Online Art Auction! Make sure you support our young artists and the work we do in the Gulfton community, by making a purchase right now. All proceeds raised will be donated to CHAT! 
Shop Now

Ramadan Kareem!

This Ramadan use the power of your generosity to make a difference in the lives of others in our community. When you make a contribution to Culture of Health – Advancing Together you are helping us foster the health and well-being of immigrant and refugee communities through the education, arts, advocacy and access to care… you are giving to an organization impacting those with the most need right here in our community. 

Why give with CHAT during Ramadan?

Your support means CHAT can continue operating its vital programs and services in the Gulfton area. It also means we can continue helping more people, without turning anyone away.

As you break your fast every night this month, with family and friends, remember the underprivileged of our community that are looking up to us! Support CHAT and help a refugee in need today. CHAT is ZAKAT eligible!

Give Now

A Notice For Educators


Congrats Alex Le!

Congratulations are in order for our own Alexander Le, who recently received First Place at the graduate level in the TAMU SPH 2021 National Public Health Photography Contest! He was awarded $100, which he graciously donated back to CHAT. Alex is a graduate student at Texas A&M Health Science Center and Vice President of Community Health Programs at the Vietnamese Culture and Science Association. He is also a longtime CHAT volunteer.

We are so proud of you, Alex! 

Below is his winning entry: 


COVID-19 Vaccinations

Our team has been hard at work going door-to-door to get immigrant and refugee families in the Gulfton community registered for the COVID-19 vaccine. To address neighbors’ concerns in their language of choice, our volunteers spend time talking with families and encouraging them to consider getting vaccinated. Most recently, our volunteers signed up 70 residents of the Ashford Crescent Oaks Apartments.   

Facebook LIVE

If you missed our recent Facebook LIVE conversation with Sweets by Belen founder Belen Bailey, watch the replay now. It was a very informative conversation about her commitment to our Girls Club for Success program!

Thank You!

CHAT would not be possible without the generosity of our donors, please consider sending your support by clicking the link below.

