During this holiday season I wanted to do something extra special for organizations around the city who have been doing tremendous work all year long, even during this pandemic.

In partnership with Dr. Charlie Huynh and Dr. Andy Huynh, we surprised four organizations with $5,000.00 each to further advance their programs. The organizations that were selected with the first presentation were: 8 Million Stories, CHAT, Fostering Family, and Heads Up Houston.

I also partnered with Bret Hightower and world renown celebrity jeweler Iceman Nick, to surprise another four organizations with $5,000.00 each to support their efforts. The organizations that were selected with the second presentation were: Social Motion, Positive Black Male Association, The Landing, and 2nd Chances.

God blesses us to bless others, and amidst these challenging times of uncertainty, these acts of generosity are what keep inspiring and encouraging others to remain optimistic about the days ahead. Huge thank you to Dr. Charlie Huynh, Dr. Andy Huynh, and Iceman Nick for your willingness to give back to the community in such a rewarding way. I am so pleased to support such worthy programs and pray these financial gifts help start their new year off strong. 

Together we will!

Edward Pollard