PPP & Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) Overview

Has your business been affected by COVID-19?  Eligible small businesses can apply for both programs.  Learn the basics of each program and how to apply.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020: 11:00am to 12:00pm CST CLICK HERE TO JOIN 

Thursday, July 30, 2020: 11:00am to 12:00pm CST CLICK HERE TO JOIN  

PPP Loan Forgiveness 

The Houston SBA District office will discuss key factors the borrower should consider when completing the Loan Forgiveness Application.  The presentation will also include helpful tips, and cover some of the most frequently asked questions.

July 27, 2020: 1:00pm to 2:00pm CST  CLICK HERE TO JOIN

July 29, 2020: 11:00am to 12:00pm CST  CLICK HERE TO JOIN

July 31, 2020: 11:00am to 12:00pm CST  CLICK HERE TO JOIN


Q&A with SBA Leadership!

SBA leadership will answer your small business questions in this virtual 30 min. daily interactive session (limited to first 30 participants)

Tuesday, July 28, 2020 & Thursday, July 30, 2020 at 9:00am CST

Passcode: 0Hmj2F


Descripción general del perdón de préstamo (PPP) y préstamo por desastre por lesioneseconómicas (EIDL):  PPP y EIDL estánabiertos a TODAS las pequeñas empresas que reúnan los requisitos. Aprenda cómo solicita el PPP o un EIDL y los conceptos básicos de las programas.  Martes 28 de julio- 11:00am CST CLICK HERE TO JOIN

Perdón de préstamo PPP– Este seminario los guiará a través del proceso de solicitar el perdón del préstamo PPP.  Jueves 30 de julio- 11:00am CST CLICK HERE TO JOIN   

Contracting Q&A with SBA-  SBA rep Easter Wright will be available to answer your contracting questions. Monday July 27 at 2:00pm CST:   CLICK HERE TO JOIN 

The Federal Government As Your Customer– Are You Ready to Consider Federal Contracting?  The world’s largest customer, buying all kinds of products & services is required by law to provide contract opportunities to small businesses.  Monday July 27 at 3:00pm CST:   CLICK HERE TO JOIN 

Women-Owned Small Business Federal Contracting- To help provide a level playing field for women business owners, the WOSB Federal Contracting Program allows contracting officers (COs) to set aside contracts for certified WOSBs and economically disadvantaged women-owned small businesses in eligible industries. Tuesday July 28 at 3:00pm CST:   CLICK HERE TO JOIN 

HUBZone Set-Aside Program – This program makes your business eligible to compete for the program’s set-aside contracts.  Before you can participate in the HUBZone program, you must be certified by the SBA. Learn the steps to get HUBZone certified. Wednesday July 29 at 3:30pm CST:  CLICK HERE TO JOIN

8(a) Business Development Certification Program– The SBA will give an overview of the program.  To help provide a level playing field for small businesses owned by socially and economically disadvantaged people or entities, the government limits competition for certain contracts to businesses that participate in the 8(a) Business Development program. Thursday July 30 at 3:00pm CST:   CLICK HERE TO JOIN  


Access to Capital- SBA Loans – Roadmap To Success For Start-Up and Existing Businesses:  Hear a detailed overview of its most popular SBA loan programs.  The 5 C’s of Credit which are factored into a loan decision, will be discussed in depth.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020: 1:00pm to 2:00pm CST  CLICK HERE TO JOIN

Thursday, July 30, 2020: 1:00pm to 2:00pm CST CLICK HERE TO JOIN

NAACP Business & Banking:  Join the SBA Houston District Office at this virtual event hosted by NAACP Missouri City and Vicinity Branch.  The goal of this virtual meeting is to collaborate and share resources available to small business owners, so that they can better serve the community and stimulate the economy.  Thursday, July 30th 7:00pm CST  REGISTER HERE    


Federal Grants to Fund your Innovations!  Did you know $2.5 billion of funding is granted each year to support small business innovation? This webinar will cover the basics of the SBIR/STTR program and the steps on how to fund funding. The workshop is suitable for newcomers to the SBIR/STTR programs, as well as those who have previously submitted proposals but have not received awards.  Session will also allow for chat Q&A session.  Wednesday, July 29th 10:00am to 11:00am CST  REGISTER HERE 

Want to learn more about SBA Programs & Services?  Download the SBA Houston Resource Guide HERE

Questions? Pease contact [email protected]