CHAT Mural Unveiling

You are cordially invited to join Culture of Health – Advancing Together (CHAT) in a special celebration and ribbon cutting event to unveil the new Gulfton-area murals at Braeburn Elementary School.  All community members are invited to join this event, to be held on  Wednesday, June 1, 2022, at 9 a.m. at 5550 Pine St, Houston, TX 77081. 

Please RSVP to


A New Project Provides Wellness Education to Local Children

CHAT volunteer Eshaan Mani received $250 from the Hershey Heartwarming Project Action Grant to launch a new mental health and wellness program to help refugee children affiliated with CHAT. Eshaan was able to use the funds to assemble 50 kits with healthy snacks and jump ropes and to provide education about the importance of nutrition and health to students in CHAT Academy and the Girls’ Club for Success.

Thank you Eshaan!


Celebrating New Achievements!

Congratulations to our very own Mehrin Awan, CHAT Office Manager, who just earned her Community Health Workers certificate from the University of Houston. Mehrin works with CHAT’s door-to-door COVID-19 vaccination program, translating for families and providing vaccine education, in addition to many other things. We are very proud of you Mehrin!

CHAT Academy End of Year Celebration!

Our CHAT Academy students celebrated the end of the school year recently. This is the last CHAT Academy session in its current location — we are moving soon! We’ll share more information about the new location as soon as we’re moved in.

Have a happy Summer!