Maximize your blessings,
give to CHAT

Ramadan Mubarak!

May the spirit of this month light up all our hearts and minds and be filled with blessings that can carry through the rest of the year. 

As we approach the end of the last ten nights of Ramadan, we invite you to give to CHAT – set up your donations in advance and be sure to catch the Night of Power and multiply the reward. 

How to schedule donations to CHAT:

  • Visit our donation page at
  • Choose “recurring” in the type of payment
  • Select the first payment date, frequency, and number of payments
  • Repeat this for each date where you desire to have a donation scheduled 
  • Enjoy the rewards

We launched CHAT with the mission to foster the health and well-being of immigrant and refugee communities through the education, arts, advocacy, and access to care. Our vision was to build a healthy community that is self-sufficient and meets the everyday challenges of living in a diverse society.

Many of those served by CHAT are recent newcomers to the United States and the city of Houston – in many cases refugees from all over the world who are learning how to adjust to their new lives in this country. That’s where CHAT comes in, offering programs and services that include after school and summer services, adult education and enrichment, skills training and job resources, and access to health resources, just to name a few.

Please consider donating to CHAT this Ramadan. Your Zakat, Sadaqat, and generous donations are used to change the lives of children and families, who would otherwise ‘fall through the cracks.’

Double Your Impact
Did you know that you can double your impact! Your employer may offer a matching gift program that can increase your gift! Matching gift programs are a form of corporate philanthropy where businesses match the donations their employees make to charitable organizations.

Taking the steps to get your gifts matched is a simple process and we are happy to walk you through the process:

  1. Contact your employer’s HR head to see if they offer a matching gift program to increase your donation.
  2. Your HR head will point you in the right direction and let you know if you need to fill out any necessary forms and be aware of submission deadlines.
  3. Once you have submitted your matching gift request form or if you have any questions about the process, please contact us.
Zelle — 713-247-9764

Dr. Aisha Siddiqui
CHAT Founder & Executive Director