The Ramirez Report – June 2024


On June 12th, I voted along with a majority of the city council to approve the Mayor’s budget for Fiscal Year 2025. The vote tally was 15-2 in favor. The upcoming fiscal year runs from July 1 through the end of June 2025. The $6.7 billion budget does not include increased taxes or a garbage fee and reduces the rate of increase of the total budget size from the previous year’s budget.

A big highlight is the addition of a sixth Houston Police Academy class of cadets that passed via a budget amendment that I offered and that the Mayor and his team supported. I’m proud to say that the additional cadet class will allow the department to put more officers on the streets, reduce response times, and make us safer. The budget will also help to reduce the backlog at the Houston Forensic Science Center (our crime lab) by providing additional funding to outsource DNA case work. This will make it possible for cases to move more quickly through our crowded criminal courts.

Of the $6.7 billion budget, $3.7 billion will come from three “enterprise” departments – the Airport System, Convention and Entertainment Facilities, and Public Works, which are funded through user fees and dedicated revenue sources, making them self-sustaining. The remaining $3 billion consists of General Fund dollars, approximately two-thirds of which goes to fund our police and fire departments.

Property tax makes up half of the city’s General Fund revenue (an increase of 3.2% from FY24), while sales tax revenue is forecast to produce 31% of the city’s General Fund revenue (an increase of 1.4% from FY24).

The Council also passed my second proposed budget amendment which will fund language access coordination to improve access to emergency and other services for more Houstonians who are not fluent in English. Recent weather emergencies have underscored gaps in our services throughout city departments and showed the need for improvement.

On June 18th, I joined Mayor Whitmire and the city council in a unanimous vote to approve the $650 million fire fighter lawsuit settlement and collective bargaining agreement. This historic vote ended years of litigation and acrimony between the previous administration and the fire fighters union. The vote avoided the probability of an even larger judgment at the end of a trial.

The amendment for the sixth class of cadets at the Houston Police Academy and the historic settlement with firefighters demonstrate my dedication to public safety.

Be sure to follow the At Large 1 team on Facebook at Facebook for updates and information.


Community News 

I met with business leaders, including Mr. Kenneth Li and the board at Southwest Management District’s Rise and Shine morning mixer. The International District was also represented by Mr. Wea Lee.
Barrio Dogs
Thank you to Gloria Zenteno and Barrio Dogs for inviting me to speak at their Coffee and Conversations. We had a productive and heartfelt discussion about e Houston’s stray animal issue. Their dedication to improving the lives of our four-legged friends is truly inspiring. Together, we can create a safer and more compassionate community for all residents—two-legged and four-legged. Let’s continue working towards solutions that make a real difference.
Francess Castaneda and The Houston East End Chamber’s East End lunch at City Hall was a delicious success!

After the lunch Mayor Whitmire and Council Member Martinez presented a proclamation to the Houston East Chamber of Commerce in recognition of East End Day at City Hall.

Houston small businesses provide opportunity to thousands of Houstonians by creating jobs and generational wealth.

I was privileged to help cut the ribbon, opening Bunk Bed World at 5845 North Freeway. This new business is a partnership of three families who immigrated from Kazakhstan not too long ago. Our city’s rich diversity was on full display as the Kazak community turned out to support this event. Thanks to the American Turkic Business Council for inviting me to participate.

I joined Mayor Whitmire, City Council Members, the Houston Association of Realtors and Clear Channel Outdoor to urge the community to prepare for Hurricane Season.

We unveiled the English and Spanish billboard campaign focused on reminding area residents to buy flood insurance.


Hurricane Preparedness

It is Hurricane Season – be prepared.

If City of Houston officials call you to evacuate; remember that is for your safety. Too many lives are lost during disasters where people tried to ride it out. Build a Go-Bag and be ready to respond to the call.

A Go-Bag contains the items needed to quickly evacuate your home. To assemble your go bag, store items in airtight plastic bags and put your entire disaster supplies kit in one or two easy-to-carry containers such as plastic bins or a duffel bag. Go-Bags should be easily portable like a backpack or suitcase on wheels. Store it somewhere you can easily get to it.

  • Recommended items to consider in your Go-Bag:Water (one gallon per person per day for several days, for drinking and sanitation) 
  • Food (at least a several-day supply of non-perishable food)
  • Extra set of car and house keys
  • External cell phone battery pack or solar charger. (Some hand-crank flashlights will also include a phone charger)
  • Bottled water and snacks such as energy bars or granola bars
  • First-aid supplies, flashlight, and whistle 
  • Battery-powered or hand-crank radio (with extra batteries, if needed)
  • A 14-day supply of any necessary medications for each member of your family
  • Toiletries and personal sanitation items to include toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, wet cleansing wipes, tampons, and pads
  • Stuffed animal toys, coloring books for children. If including a handheld video game, bring extra batteries or charging supplies.
  • A waterproof document bag to include Identification documents such as passports, birth certificates, etc…
  • A list of medications for each member of your family 
  • Contact and meeting place information for your family
  • A map of the local area

For more information:


Important Contact Information

Council Member Julian Ramirez
(832) 393-3014

City of Houston Help & Information
311 or (713) 837-0311


HPD Non-Emergency
(713) 884-3131

Mayor’s Citizens Assistance Office
(832) 393-0955

Office of the City Secretary
(832) 393-1100

Mayor John Whitmire
City of Houston
P.O. Box 1562
Houston, TX 77251
311 or (713) 837-0311 


Solid Waste Management
611 Walker, 12th Floor
Houston, TX 77002

Area Agency on Aging
(832) 393-4301

BARC Animal Control
311 or (713) 837-0311

(713) 521-4600

Mayor’s Office of Veteran’s Affairs
(832) 393-0992

Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities
(832) 394-0814


At Large 1 Contact Information

Council Member Julian Ramirez
City Council Member At Large-1
Office: (832) 393-3014

John Moss
Chief of Staff

Gloria Rodriguez
Director of Community Outreach/Constituent Services

Sonia Soto
Director of Communications

Leah Wolfthal
Policy & Special Projects

City Council Member Julian Ramirez, At-Large Position 1
900 Bagby St., First Floor | Houston, TX 77002
(832) 393-3014 |