New District J Supplemental Maintenance Team Announced

Residents in District J now have another new service to help keep neighborhoods aesthetically pleasing. Council Member Edward Pollard announced the formation of the Supplemental Maintenance Team during a press conference in January. This initiative is aimed at enhancing the city’s maintenance efforts in collaboration with the Southwest Management District and the nonprofit organization, Heads Up Houston. The innovative program is designed to supplement the essential services provided by the city, focusing on maintaining and beautifying Houston’s medians, right of ways, esplanades, accessible ditches, and ensuring efficient litter abatement on city property.

District J residents can request this service by sending an email to our office at [email protected]. Be sure to add “SMT Request” in the subject line. Please include details of the request such as the location’s address and a picture if possible.

This is a unique service only offered in District J that will be paid out of the council budget. A clean and well-kept community is what we deserve and what we intend to ensure. Thanks to all the department leadership and community stakeholders for your support, and special thanks toDirector Carol haddock of Public Works.

Houston Recycling Delays

At a recent City Council session, Council Member Pollard spoke up about the delays in picking up recycling throughout the city. Although our Solid Waste Department works hard to service all constituents, this particular issue is frustrating for us all. Council Member Pollard continues to keep the issue in the forefront as Solid Waste works to fix these challenges. For additional updates, please follow the Solid Waste online at:


Bissonnet Update: Barricade Installation

Permanent swinging barricades are currently being installed along Bissonnet in a continuous effort to discourage illegal activity and make the neighborhood safer for residents, businesses and visitors. The flow of traffic at several intersections that were temporarily monitored by Houston police officers will now be blocked on a nightly basis thanks to the barricades.


Public Works 311 Service Calls

One of the best ways to get service calls answered is through the use of 3-1-1. The Houston Public Works Department has provided a breakdown of how often District J residents used 3-1-1 in 2023, and which service requests were most frequent. We encourage residents to continue calling 3-1-1 as a first step toward soliciting assistance for infrastructure issues.


Sharpstown Civic Association Meeting

Council Member Pollard attended the Sharpstown Civic Association meeting and spoke about a number of issues concerning District J. He provided updates on the recycling issue, homeless abatement efforts, infrastructure projects, the Sharpstown Community Center renovations and more. Residents are always encouraged to reach out to the District J office with questions or concerns so that they may be addressed. Thanks to everyone who remains engaged in our community.


Latino Museum of Cultural & Visual Arts

Advocates of a Latino Museum of Cultural and Visual Arts & Archive Complex in Houston, Harris County (ALMAAHH) is a nonprofit organization working to create the first home for Latino culture in Houston, and they want to hear from you. An institution like this one would serve as a dedicated space to celebrate and preserve the rich and diverse cultural heritage of the Latino community, which is integral to the fabric of Houston and the broader American society.

Visit this link to sign up for the ALMAAHH newsletter and stay informed, and be sure to follow the organization on all social media platforms at @ALMAAHHhtx.

The Future of Texas Is Bright

Council Member Pollard served on a panel for the Future of Texas event, hosted by the Greater Houston Partnership to give insight on the city of Houston and its future. As the largest city in Texas and fourth largest in the country, strong leadership and good governance is critical to our success. Council Member Pollard expressed his positive outlook for Houston and encouraged business owners and residents to continue to show up, get involved and share ideas with elected officials.


Harris Health Cares for the Unhoused Population

Council Member Pollard was on site with several fellow council members to debut the new fleet of Harris Health Homeless Medical Units. These are medical doctors offices on wheels aimed at providing care and services for some of the most vulnerable residents in our city. The medical units will focus on primary care, dental, mental health, and trauma all over Harris County. Special thanks to Dr. Porsa, Dr. Small, and all who are involved with Harris Health who worked to make this happen. Shout out to Commissioner Briones, Garcia, and all at Commissioner’s Court for your leadership.


Wednesday Wrap-up

Now more than ever, it is critically important for as many constituents as possible to be informed about how our local government operates. With this in mind, Council Member Pollard has started a new video series called Wednesday Wrap-up. Each week, he will release a video that highlights one topic addressed at Houston City Council sessions in an effort to provide insight into the innerworkings of City Hall. Check out Council Member Pollard’s social media pages to see the first few weeks worth of videos.


Taiwan College Students Learn About Law Enforcement in Houston

A group of students from Central Police University in Taiwan are learning about law enforcement in Houston. The visiting students are taking classes through the University of Houston Downtown in collaboration with HPD on law enforcement training and tactics. Council Member Pollard addressed the students on topics related to local government and policing. Special thanks to Kenneth Li and Joseph Shum for their leadership and coordination, HPD Assistant Chief Hatcher and Commander Johnson for attending, and Umi Restaurant for hosting.

Help for Stonehaven Apartment Families After Massive Fire

A massive three-alarm fire at the Stonehaven apartment complex in District J left several families displaced and in need of items for basic living. Fortunately, no one was seriously hurt in the incident, and all families have since received housing accommodations. Council Member Pollard toured the complex with Houston Fire Department Chief Samuel Pena, Captain Cedrick Robinett and other HFD personnel to speak with residents and property managers about fire prevention and to address any concerns. Since the fire, our office continues to work with other agencies and nonprofit organizations working to continue supporting the affected families. special thanks to HFD, HPD, Metro, the American Red Cross, Houston Public Works, Indus Management and everyone who provided assistance.

Addressing Family Violence

Council Member Pollard served as a panelist at the Texas Family Violence event organized by attorney Tom King. The event brought together legal professionals, public officials, community leaders and others to bring awareness to issues, laws and procedures regarding families experiencing violent incidents. For more information on this topic, visit the Texas Council on Family Violence website.


Calling All Artists

The Mayor’s Office of Cultural Affairs (MOCA) develops policies and initiatives that foster an environment in which art and culture flourish for the sharing and benefit of all residents and visitors. Local artists are encouraged to take advantage of the many ways the city supports art and culture, including various grant programs. Visit the Houston Arts Alliance website to learn more about several grants specifically for the arts community.

District J Projects

Saint Luke’s Methodist Community Center

Work at the Saint Luke’s Methodist Community Center at the intersection of Bellaire and Bintliff has been completed. Council Member Pollard’s office contributed funds toward infrastructure improvements in the area.

District J Jobs

Looking for a new job is a job in itself. Between searching for positions online, updating your resume and preparing for interviews, job hunting takes a lot of effort. is a resource for Houstonians looking for work. The site provides access to dozens of companies with hundreds of jobs at various levels and in many industries. In addition to links to employment opportunities, the website now has a new “Resources” section with videos and articles containing tips to help anyone searching for a job. Resume writing, interviewing, negotiating salary and other topics are available.


HOT Team

The HOT Team assists with picking up scattered debris, removing heavy trash, tree waste and illegal dumping, and handling specific landscaping issues. All requests for assistance from the HOT Team should be submitted via 311. The HOT Team makes pickups according to the following schedule:
1st Thursday – Sharpstown
2nd Thursday – St. George, Gulfton and Richmond Plaza South
3rd Thursday – Braeburn Area
4th Thursday – Alief/Westwood

The District J HOT Team was called out to the 6000 block of Larkwood, where someone dumped a mattress. Thanks to workers who help keep our neighborhoods clean.

District J Patrol is a three-pronged approach to public safety bridging the gap between the law enforcement officers in District J and the communities they serve. Sponsored by the District J office, this pilot initiative includes community patrolling by Houston Police Department’s Differential Response Team (DRT), the use of two Polaris vehicles and the District J Patrol Task Force. Residents may report small neighborhood violations and infringements, such as panhandling, loitering, overgrown lots, graffiti, homeless encampments and other public nuisances. To file a report, visit the online portal at
To learn more about our new modern approach to community policing, or to file a report regarding a quality of life issue, please visit To retrieve data, research policy, or to file a complaint online, visit