FEBRUARY 26-27, 2022
Conference Co-Chairs
Peter Chang, M.D. Ph.D. and Nancy Li-Tarim
In a world challenged by antisemitism, hatred and racism, Holocaust Museum Houston (HMH) is a beacon of memory and hope, shining light into darkness and seeking ways to promote a more humane society. To stand in solidarity with Houston’s diverse and dynamic Asian community, HMH will host the Moving Forward: Challenging Racism Conference. During the conference sessions and presentations, we will look back at the long history of Asian America and then ask, “What Next?” How do we move forward together, beyond racism, to a society that fosters equality and social justice for all?
Held at HMH, this conference is free to attend, but registration is required. Attendees will receive a copy of Paula Yoo’s book, From a Whisper to a Rallying Cry: The Killing of Vincent Chin and the Trial that Galvanized the Asian American Movement.
Please note: In consideration of the health and safety of our event guests and museum staff, HMH will require all event guests to provide proof of full COVID-19 vaccination (including a booster shot) by presenting a vaccination card/photo or a negative test within the last 72 hours of event. Face masks are required for all guests ages 2 and up. Complimentary masks are available at the Security desk.
Special Thanks to Our Exhibition Sponsors
Presenting Sponsors
The Jerold B. Katz Foundation
Premier Sponsor
Honorable Theresa Chang and Peter Chang, M.D., Ph.D.
Anchor Sponsor
David Leebron and Y. Ping Sun
The Warren Family
Connie Kwan-Wong / Thomas Kuranoff / Gule Andrabi / Susan Boggio / Diana Collins, M.D. / Flora Choy / Anna Dean / Leela Krishnamurthy / Dr. William and Teresa Reading / Jane Wagner
Partner Sponsors
Mandy and Ronnie Caress
Sylvia and Gordon Quan
Title Sponsors
Cheng-Ti Judy Dai, M.D. and Samuel M. Wu, Ph.D.
Kathleen and Glen Gondo
Ronald Grabois Family Fund
Nancy Li-Tarim and Soner Tarim
Cindy and Frank Liu
The Lewis and Joan Lowenstein Foundation
Tammy and Wayne Nguyen
Elaine Zhang and Amy Sung
Lead Sponsors
Gina and Jarvis Cheung
Drs. Paul and May Chu
Foley & Lardner LLP / Hoang Quan Vu
Lily and Charles Foster
Mandy and William Kao
Tracy and Rocky Lai
Alice and Mark Lee
Annie and Kenneth Li
Friend Sponsors
Wu Bi and DongQuan Su
Michael and Cynthia Chang
Lynn Chou and Jet Lin
Dr. Jianwei Feng
Cecil and Betty Fong
Lee, Huang & Associates
Vivian Li
Linda and Ted Wu
Hugh Zhang and Lulu Tan