Vol. 2, Issue 7 – 02.18.21
Press Conference: Mayor Turner Provides Updates on Outages and Boil Water Notice – 02.18.21 (starts at the 14m10s mark)
Please view Mayor Turner’s press conference from this morning for many informative updates on the current state of our city.
Key Takeaways
- ERCOT has given the greenlight to energy providers to restore power to customers affected by outages. But it is still a fluid situation.
- Yesterday, there were 1.3 million customers without power and as of this morning, there were 40K remaining without power.
- THe City of Houston has not turned off water and our water pressure has risen above 20psi, but we need to stabilize the pressure and we will remain under a boil water notice until at least Sunday. Things are improving but we still have a ways to go. Please continue to conserve water.
- The City of Houston will be distributing water, accessible to residents free of charge, to sites throughout the city today, aiming to be done by 2pm.
- *The location in District F is Iglesia Rios De Aceite (Rivers of Oil Church), located at 12500 Corona Ln, 77072*
- The City of Houston will also set up a fund to assist families who do not have the financial means to repair their homes damaged from burst pipes and caved in ceilings. Additional details will be announced shortly. Please sign up for CitizensNet to have updatres sent to you.
- Please be aware of scammers who are contacting residents to offer repair services.
- The Mayors Office for People with Disabilities (MOPD will be partnering with Crowd Source Rescue to dewliver water to disabled residents. Sign up for deliveries at crowdsourcerescue.org/freeze.
- Additionally, President Biden has authorized FEMA to provide generators and supplies to Texas.
If bottled water is not available during a boil water notice, bring water to a full rolling boil for two minutes, then allow it to cool before use. Boil tap water even if it is filtered.
- For more guidance from the CDC, click here.
- For answers to frequently asked questions, click here.
Customers should turn off their main water connection following a freeze, burst water pipe or a water leak. If you’re unable to turn off your water connection, please call 311 (713.837.0311) & Houston Water will walk you through steps you can take to turn off the water connection. Guidance is also available here. |
Since Monday, Houston Public Works has received over 1,500 calls reporting water leaks and water main breaks. Broken pipes and water leaks can be damaging and expensive. Call 311 to report main breaks or if you need assistance turning off water valves in your home. |
Stay warm, but stay safe! Over the past 2 days, HFD has responded to 180 reports of carbon monoxide poisoning across Houston. Keep power generators safely outside and learn the signs of carbon monoxide poisoning. |
Lakewood Church, Gallery Furniture, and the National Association of Christian Churches opened as warming centers and are accepting people if they need a warm place and can get there safely.
Additionally, KPRC 2 has compiled an updated list warming centers in and around the Houston area. |
YellowCab and Houston Metro have transported over 200 Houstonians to warming centers. Resources are limited, but anyone in urgent need of transportation can call 311 for assistance. |
Please note that we will be out of the office today and there will be a 48hr delay to responses. Thank you for your patience, resilience, and understanding.
Learn about new Houston Health Department appointment opportunities through email, text message, voice call, or mobile app push notification by registering for the HoustonRecovers subscription of AlertHouston.
To check for updates from other vaccine hubs in Houston and Harris County, click here. |
Residents with disabilities who would like more information on the vaccine—please refer to this reference card. |
You are invited to participate in a survey to collect information about Covid-19 vaccine eligibility. This online survey should take about 2-10 minutes to complete. Participation is voluntary, and responses will be kept confidential to the degree permitted by the technology being used.
If you qualify for the Covid-19 vaccine under Phase 1A or 1B, please provide the District F office with your information so that we can keep you updated on vaccine availability. This data will be shared with the Houston Health Department.
We are asking that only those who are eligible under Phase 1A or 1B to complete this form. To find out about eligibility, click here.
You have the option to not respond to any questions that you choose. Submission of the survey will be interpreted as your informed consent to participate and that you affirm that you are at least 18 years of age. Immigration status will not be a factor.
- FREE Drive-Thru COVID-19 Testing at Crump Stadium – 12321 Alief Clodine Rd, 77082
- Español
- Tiếng Việt
Schlumberger’s Black Organization for Leadership and Diversity (BOLD), joined District F this past Saturday to deliver love baskets to seniors in the historic Piney Point community. The youngest age was 60 and the oldest 100. They were so excited, too! We are so grateful for your partnerhsip and willingness to serve and support our seniors during a pandemic and an extreme weather advisory. We look forward to the growing partnership. THANK YOU! |
For his 35+ years as a highly esteemed business and community leader, District F resident Ed Ryland received a proclamation from the City of Houston on February 16th, 2021. Please click on the image above to view the presentation.
The Houston-Harris County Emergency Rental Assistance Program is a $159 million joint program of the City of Houston and Harris County, designed to assist renters experiencing housing instability or who are at risk of homelessness as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The program is available to renters in Harris County or the City of Houston who:
- Have household income at or below 80% of HUD Area Median Family Income (HAMFI), approximately $63,050 for a family of four or $50,450 for a family of two AND
- Are experiencing housing instability or are at risk of homelessness; who have past due rent or past due utility bills (electricity, gas, or water) or who have received an eviction notice AND
- Have experienced financial hardship as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic: unemployment, reduction in work hours, business closure, or significant new costs.
- Renters may begin applying on Thursday, February 25th. For more information, click here.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has extended the federal eviction moratorium through March 31.
- In order to be covered by this moratorium, you must sign and submit a declaration to your landlord. The updated moratorium and declaration are available here in English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Chinese, Arabic, Urdu, and French.
Beginning on March 1 through March 14, eligible businesses in Houston, in addition to Atlanta, Chicago, Detroit and Philadelphia, can apply for a $10,000 grant at www.ComcastRISE.com. A total of 100 grants in Houston, or 500 grants overall, will be awarded in May 2021. Comcast RISE is a multi-year, multi-faceted initiative launched in October 2020 that initially focused on black-owned, small businesses and then extended to BIPOC-owned to help those hardest hit by COVID-19. To view the rest of this press release, click here. To view the press conference, click on the image above.
Desde el 1 de marzo hasta el 14 de marzo, las empresas elegibles en Houston, además de Atlanta, Chicago, Detroit y Filadelfia, pueden solicitar una subvención de $ 10,000 en www.ComcastRISE.com. Un total de 100 subvenciones en Houston, o 500 subvenciones en total, se otorgarán en mayo de 2021. Comcast RISE es una iniciativa multianual y multifacética lanzada en octubre de 2020 que inicialmente se centró en pequeñas empresas de propiedad negra y luego se extendió a Propiedad de BIPOC para ayudar a los más afectados por COVID-19. Para ver el resto de este comunicado de prensa, haga clic aquí. Para ver la conferencia de prensa, haga clic en la imagen de arriba.
Bắt đầu từ ngày 1 tháng 3 đến ngày 14 tháng 3, các doanh nghiệp đủ điều kiện ở Houston, ngoài Atlanta, Chicago, Detroit và Philadelphia, có thể đăng ký tài trợ $ 10.000 tại www.ComcastRISE.com. Tổng cộng 100 khoản tài trợ ở Houston, hoặc 500 khoản tài trợ tổng thể, sẽ được trao vào tháng 5 năm 2021. Comcast RISE là một sáng kiến nhiều năm, nhiều mặt được đưa ra vào tháng 10 năm 2020, ban đầu tập trung vào các doanh nghiệp nhỏ thuộc sở hữu của người da đen và sau đó mở rộng sang BIPOC thuộc sở hữu để giúp những người bị ảnh hưởng nặng nề nhất bởi COVID-19. Để xem phần còn lại của thông cáo báo chí này, hãy nhấp vào đây. Để xem buổi họp báo, bấm vào hình trên.
Anti-Litter Pickers
Our office has begun distributing anti-litter pickers to community members who had made requests. To request pickers for your community, please fill out this form. |