“Creating a safe, thriving neighborhood in the heart of Southwest through its rich cultural diversity”

Join us for our next
Gulfton Super Neighborhood Council Meeting
Monday, June 15, 2020 12:00pm
In January we welcomed Commander Ban Tien to the Houston Police Department’s South Gessner Division, District 17. Commander Craig Bellamy served as the commander for several years and will continue working with Commander Tien and District 17 through the Gang Division. We welcome Commander Tien to this month’s meeting as he shares his vision and projects for South Gessner Division and our continued work to improve public safety and relational policing.
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Password: 870881
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Meeting ID: 852 2214 3825
Password: 870881
Our meetings are held the 3rd Monday of each month. We welcome you to invite a friend, neighbor, and other community members to our monthly meeting. If you are interested in taking a more active role in our council by serving on one of our stakeholder seats, contact us for more information. We look forward to seeing you.
Stay connected & stay engaged!
For more information, contact:
Sandra Rodríguez, President
Gulfton Super Neighborhood Council #27
(832) 875-0179