Boardwalk Apartments Site to be Purchased by City

Site to be Used for Flood Detention and Greenspace

The City has been authorized to enter into a purchase option agreement to acquire property located at 9100 Fondren, just north of Braes Bayou. The Purchase Option Agreement was adopted at the August 21st City Council meeting. The City’s Housing and Community Development Department intends to make the purchase using federal disaster relief funding. The site—home to the former Boardwalk Apartments—has endured repeated flooding from rain events over the past few years. The apartment complex was demolished after Hurricane Harvey.

The Housing Department and Houston Public Works will partner with the Harris County Flood Control District to convert the 7.73 acre site into greenspace and/or detention to help reduce the risk of future flooding in the area. The site, once completed, will provide the Bonham Acres and Larkwood neighborhoods with much-needed greenspace and floodwater detention capacity. I am grateful to the City’s Housing and Community Development and Houston Public Works Departments and the Harris County Flood Control District for agreeing to partner on this important project.

Council Member Mike Laster

CDSF Projects in Sharpstown

CDSF Project to reconstruct Bintliff east-side sidewalk

As a part of the ongoing Council District Service Fund (CDSF) initiative, major sidewalk repairs and reconstruction projects will be commencing soon in Sharpstown! As you may know, the CDSF program has allowed for speedier completion of localized projects that the City would not typically be able to accomplish.

In Sharpstown Sec. 1, the east-side portion of the sidewalk along Bintliff from Bellaire to Sharpview will be repaired and replaced as a part of the CDSF. In Sharpstown Sec. 2, multiple ADA ramps will be constructed along Larkwood from Triola to Langdon.

ADA Ramps along Larkwood from Triola to Langdon

Your District J office’s policy has always been to ask local civic associations and citizens for their “wish list” of infrastructure projects. Therefore, these projects have been made possible through collaboration with the Sharpstown Civic Association. Please be on the lookout for construction crews in the area, and let us know if you have any questions or concerns!

Housing Department Community Meeting

The City’s Housing and Community Development Department is developing a five-year strategy that will guide approximately $250 million in housing and community development funding for programs and services that support low- and moderate-income Houstonians.

Join the Department at the Fall Open House and Public Hearings to tell them about your housing and community development priorities and to give input on the development of the upcoming 5-year strategic plans.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Southwest Multi-Service Center
6400 High Star Drive, Houston, TX 77074
6:00 pm

Introductory Grant Workshop

The Houston Arts Alliance conducts workshops in every council district to share information about arts-related grant programs. There will be an upcoming grants workshop in District J!

Thursday, September 5, 2019
Walter Neighborhood Library
7660 Clarewood Dr., Houston, TX 77036

For a list of grant opportunities that will be discussed, please click here.

Hillcroft Safety Summer Internship

The Hillcroft Safety Summer Internship was a seven week summer program coordinated by Connect Communities. Students observed and studied the traffic infrastructure of the Hillcroft corridor and developed proposed solutions for challenges present along that corridor. They were even able to develop prototypes of a new street through 3D printing, wood work, metal work, and laser cutting, with TX/RX Labs.

In the final phase of the internship, the students presented their findings before City Council during the public session period.