Environmental and Urban Design

Environmental and urban design provides the foundation for improving how the District looks and works. This aspect of the plan will affect the quality of the business community and influence decisions of potential investors. The District will be concerned with improving the appearance and the image of the area, private and public infrastructure needs, and open spaces such as parks and trails. The District will work to promote conservation programs, improved streetscapes, and park facilities. Each of these elements will add to a “sense of place” and identity.

A variety of landscape and maintenance initiatives will impact the District’s appearance. The District will develop programs to beautify and landscape streets and freeway frontages, reduce visual blight, and create a sense of identity for the area. The District will also work with property owners and public entities to coordinate maintenance of setbacks, rights-of-way, and planting.

MISSION: To mobilize resources to enhance the visual appeal of the District and to address current and future infrastructure, land development, and open space needs of the growing Southwest Houston area in order to attract and retain employees and residents, increase values, and facilitate business development.


  • Work with Southwest Houston Redevelopment Authority to develop and construct beautiful esplanades and Metro transit stops throughout the District. The District will provide funds necessary to maintain infrastructure investments made by the Authority (TIRZ#20).
  • Address water, wastewater, and drainage requirements of the District and advocate for necessary infrastructure improvements through city, county, and state resources to mitigate flooding.
  • Assist with flood mitigation for development and existing businesses in the area.
  • Maximize utilization of existing natural resources through partnerships, planning, and advocacy to create an interconnected system of parks, trails, and open spaces serving both commercial and residential populations.
  • Develop a utility relocation plan to reduce visual blight and enhance the appearance of commercial corridors.
  • Create District identity, visual continuity, and inviting streetscapes through improvements in landscaping, street furnishings, signage, sign control, and other visual elements to improve the image and appeal of the commercial community.
  • Prepare basic District development, renovation, and maintenance guidelines for property owners, managers, and investors to use in evaluating and executing projects.
  • Develop a plan to address removal of litter, bandit signs, graffiti, and other forms of visual blight along the commercial corridors.