Vol. 3, Issue 10- 05.10.22
Join us tomorrow at 6pm
Join us at 6pm on May 11, 2022 at the Tracy Gee Community Center for a discussion on Lupus and Your Community of Care with in partnership with the Lupus Foundation of American Gulf Coast Chapter.

Panel discussion with resources provided by:

  • GSK
  • Prolato Clinical Research Center
  • Dr. Medha Airy, Baylor College of Medicine
  • Dr. Christine Le, DO, Kelsey Seybold Hope Clinic
  • City of Houston Health Department
  • Dr. Alfreado Sardinas
  • Comcast Affordable Internet Program

More information can be found here.

Bring your family and join Mayor Turner and Council Member Thomas this Sunday
Share your thoughts next Tuesday
The City is embarking on a process to adopt new City Council district boundaries using the information from the 2020 US Census. There will be multiple opportunities to comment and be updated on the process. Translators will be present. 

The redrawn districts will aim to:

  • Maintain relatively equal population numbers
  • Be composed of whole county voting precincts
  • Have easily identifiable geographic boundaries
  • Maintain communities of interest/neighborhoods
  • Be compact and contiguous
  • Avoid packing or cracking
      • Packing – diminishing voting power by calculated demographic concentration
      • Cracking – diminishing voting power by calculated demographic dilution
  • Preserve incumbent-constituency relations

Read the Redistricting Frequently Asked Questions for more details about redistricting criteria.

Public Engagement:

Phase 1: Town Hall meetings will be held in April and May in each district to obtain public input on how the districts should be reconfigured. The City wants your input before drawing the new maps; no new maps will be presented at the town hall meetings. Residents may also submit their own redistricting plan to the Planning & Development Department by July 20.
Phase 2: District boundaries are redrawn based on 2020 Census data, the redistricting criteria approved by City Council, and public input.
Phase 3: Draft Redistricting Plan is completed and presented to City Council.
Phase 4: Public may comment on the proposed new maps at three public hearings in July (External link)

Town Hall Meetings

Each City Council district will host a Town Hall meeting to explain the redistricting process, and to allow members of the public to give input to the City on how they want their district to look in the future. These meetings will be conducted in person. Capital Improvement Project (CIP) meetings will follow the Town Hall meetings.

Meetings are scheduled in person in each Council District, but anyone can attend any redistricting meeting. Capital Improvement Project updates are specific to the district in which the meeting is held.

Residents who cannot attend the meetings in person may choose to attend the virtual meeting. This meeting will only cover Redistricting; CIP updates will not be on the agenda.