As we enter 2025, District J will be rebranded as J City. J City will be run like its own municipality with services and programs that are specifically tailored for J City residents. These services will supplement the city departments in an effort to get a faster more personalized response to constituent concerns. We will pay for each service through designated funds from our office. These programs are:
* District J Patrol – This is a modern community policing initiative with HPD that allows J City residents to report neighborhood-related, low-level crimes and violations to for a faster, more transparent response. Personalized District J Patrol vehicles will patrol all over J City.
* Supplemental Maintenance Team (SMT) – This is a dedicated crew that will maintain the mowing of right-of-ways, medians, vacant public lots, and accessible ditches on weekly basis.
* Beautification Team – This team is responsible for graffiti abatement, clearing of scattered debris, and disposing of illegal dumping reported by J City residents.
* Animal Welfare – We will prioritize initiatives for pet owners to provide medical treatment, free pet food, and neighborhood sweeps for strays in partnership with Houston Humane Society, BARC, Hope Clinic, and Pets for Life.
* Good Neighbor Program – This program provides minor exterior home repair for seniors, disabled, or military veteran residents living in J City. Requests can be made directly to our office.
We are 1 of 11 districts with over 200,000 people in a city of almost 700 square miles (we can fit Chicago inside Houston three times). It is tough for our city departments to address each issue as quickly as you would like. However, I hate excuses, and since you pay taxes you should get reasonable service and attention. So our hope is these programs can help address constituent needs and provide a supplement to city departments.
J City will be ever-evolving to show how my office would tackle city-wide issues based on what we do in the district. Stay tuned for more…and welcome to J City.
Please click the video below to learn more about J City.
Together we will!
Edward Pollard