The Ramirez Report – Tropical Storm Beryl


Good evening, my fellow Houstonians. I hope you’re well into your preparations for soon-to-be Hurrican Beryl. Although the storm is expected to make landfall near Matagorda, Houston is expected to experience high winds and heavy rains. We can expect flooding in parts of the city and large-scale power outages.

The best advice from the experts is 1) Stay off the roads after 10 pm tonight, 2) Do not drive into high water, 3) If you are urged to evacuate (most Houstonians have not been), then please evacuate, 4) Clear your drains and re-clear them periodically to ensure maximum water flow, 5) Prepare for extended power outages by charging your devices now and by gathering lanterns and flashlights, and 6) Make sure you have adequate food to eat and water to drink (filling your bathtub with water provides a large supply of potable water). Also, please do not put your garbage and recycling bins out for pickup tomorrow. The Solid Waste Department will not be operating tomorrow.

Stay on top of developments by following local news broadcasts and websites

You can follow us on Facebook for updates, as well.


Be Prepared for Tropical Storm Beryl

Portions of the City of Houston are under a Tropical Storm Warning as Beryl approaches the Gulf Coast. The storm is expected to make landfall late Sunday into Monday near Matagorda.

Click here for more information:

Have you made your emergency kit yet this hurricane season? Take a look at the Houston Office of Emergency Management website to pack what you need:
Make sure nearby drains are clear of debris so stormwater can flow uninterrupted before Tropical Storm Beryl lands tonight.

Important Contact Information

Council Member Julian Ramirez
(832) 393-3014
[email protected]

City of Houston Help & Information
311 or (713) 837-0311
[email protected]


HPD Non-Emergency
(713) 884-3131

Mayor’s Citizens Assistance Office
(832) 393-0955
[email protected]

Office of the City Secretary1
(832) 393-1100
[email protected]

Mayor John Whitmire
City of Houston
P.O. Box 1562
Houston, TX 77251
311 or (713) 837-0311
[email protected] 


Solid Waste Management
611 Walker, 12th Floor
Houston, TX 77002
[email protected]

Area Agency on Aging
(832) 393-4301
ag[email protected]

BARC Animal Control
311 or (713) 837-0311
[email protected]

(713) 521-4600
[email protected]

Mayor’s Office of Veteran’s Affairs
(832) 393-0992
[email protected]

Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities
(832) 394-0814
[email protected]